MirGeneDB 3.0

225 Gekko japonicus microRNA genes
Sort by genome coordinates Motifs Tissue expression
- +
MirGeneDB ID MiRBase ID Family Seed 5p accession 3p accession Chromosome Start End Strand Node of origin (locus) Node of origin (family) Iso­miR 3' NTU  UG  UGUG CNNC To
Gja-Mir-2970 None MIR-2970 ACAGUCA None None NW_015173131.1 774145 774203 + Sarcopterygii Sarcopterygii Unknown
Gja-Mir-2188 None MIR-2188 AGGUCCA None None NW_015164186.1 1585193 1585252 + Gnathostomata Gnathostomata Unknown
Gja-Mir-1805-P4 None MIR-1805 GUAUUGG None None NW_015217873.1 798 858 - G. japonicus Tetrapoda No 1
Gja-Mir-1805-P3 None MIR-1805 GUAUUGG None None NW_015217873.1 798 858 - G. japonicus Tetrapoda No 1
Gja-Mir-1788 None MIR-1788 AGGCAGC None None NW_015168675.1 535117 535175 + Vertebrata Vertebrata Yes 1
Gja-Mir-1720 None MIR-1720 GAUCACC None None NW_015177032.1 643257 643319 - Diapsida Diapsida Unknown 1 1
Gja-Mir-1677-P7 None MIR-1677 CCAAAGC None None NW_015182825.1 1335 1392 - Lepidosauria Diapsida No 1 1 1
Gja-Mir-1662-P4 None MIR-1662 UGACAUC None None NW_015176079.1 94305 94364 + G. japonicus Tetrapoda Unknown 1
Gja-Mir-1662-P3 None MIR-1662 UGACAUC None None NW_015245705.1 305 364 + G. japonicus Tetrapoda Unknown 1
Gja-Mir-1397 None MIR-1397 GCAUUGC None None NW_015174328.1 240982 241039 - Amniota Amniota Unknown 1
Gja-Mir-1388 None MIR-1388 GGACUGU None None NW_015176067.1 166941 167001 - Gnathostomata Gnathostomata Unknown 1 1 1
Gja-Mir-1329 V None MIR-1329 ACAGUGA None None NW_015163689.1 181906 181966 - Vertebrata Vertebrata 2 No 1
Gja-Mir-1306 None MIR-1306 CACCUCC None None NW_015174276.1 1689744 1689804 - Gnathostomata Gnathostomata Yes 1 1
Gja-Mir-875 None MIR-875 AUACCUC None None NW_015162481.1 589653 589711 + Vertebrata Vertebrata Unknown 1
Gja-Mir-737 None MIR-737 UUUUUUU None None NW_015163661.1 267448 267508 + Osteichthyes Osteichthyes Unknown 1
Gja-Mir-726 None MIR-726 UCACUAC None None NW_015160281.1 327408 327468 + Osteichthyes Osteichthyes Yes 1
Gja-Mir-551-P2 None MIR-551 CGACCCA None None NW_015161952.1 707120 707180 + Vertebrata Vertebrata Yes
Gja-Mir-551-P1 None MIR-551 CGACCCA None None NW_015162006.1 202251 202310 - Vertebrata Vertebrata No 1 1
Gja-Mir-499 None MIR-499 UAAGACU None None NW_015175358.1 3981456 3981515 - Vertebrata Vertebrata No 1
Gja-Mir-490 None MIR-490 AACCUGG None None NW_015168089.1 491495 491556 + Amniota Amniota Yes 1
Gja-Mir-489 None MIR-489 UGACAUC None None NW_015172008.1 309050 309109 - Osteichthyes Osteichthyes Unknown 1
Gja-Mir-460-P2 None MIR-460 CCUCAUU None None NW_015169192.1 1195070 1195128 - Osteichthyes Osteichthyes Yes 1
Gja-Mir-460-P1 None MIR-460 CUGCAUU None None NW_015160073.1 152 210 - Osteichthyes Osteichthyes No 1
Gja-Mir-458 None MIR-458 UAGCUCU None None NW_015177083.1 13651 13708 + Osteichthyes Osteichthyes No 1
Gja-Mir-456 None MIR-456 AGGCUGG None None NW_015177062.1 49611 49671 + Vertebrata Vertebrata Yes 1 1
Gja-Mir-455 None MIR-455 AUGUGCC None None NW_015172006.1 1527647 1527704 - Vertebrata Vertebrata No
Gja-Mir-451 None MIR-451 AACCGUU None NW_015173122.1 2276154 2276195 - Vertebrata Vertebrata NA 1
Gja-Mir-430-P3 None MIR-430 AAGUGCU None None NW_015166434.1 930789 930847 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown
Gja-Mir-430-o41 None MIR-430 AAGUGCU None None NW_015175473.1 128972 129034 + G. japonicus Vertebrata No 1 1
Gja-Mir-430-o40 None MIR-430 CCAAUAC None None NW_015175473.1 127897 127959 + G. japonicus Vertebrata No 1
Gja-Mir-425 None MIR-425 AUGACAC None None NW_015173131.1 772282 772343 + Gnathostomata Gnathostomata Unknown
Gja-Mir-383 V None MIR-383 GAUCAGA None None NW_015173864.1 7401 7462 - Tetrapoda Tetrapoda 2 Unknown 1
Gja-Mir-375 None MIR-375 UUGUUCG None None NW_015168675.1 467717 467774 + Nephrozoa Nephrozoa No 1
Gja-Mir-338-P2 None MIR-338 CCAGCAU None None NW_015160208.1 1494395 1494455 + Vertebrata Vertebrata No 1 1
Gja-Mir-223 None MIR-223 GUCAGUU None None NW_015173717.1 75780 75842 + Vertebrata Vertebrata No 1
Gja-Mir-221-P2a None MIR-221 GCUACAU None None NW_015165234.1 1526266 1526328 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Gja-Mir-221-P1c None MIR-221 GCUACAU None None NW_015224181.1 293 356 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown 1 1
Gja-Mir-221-P1a None MIR-221 GCUACAU None None NW_015165234.1 1525899 1525961 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Gja-Mir-219-P3 None MIR-219 GAUUGUC None None NW_015167179.1 32413 32469 + Gnathostomata Bilateria Unknown 1
Gja-Mir-219-P2 None MIR-219 GAUUGUC None None NW_015176565.1 28039 28105 + Gnathostomata Bilateria No 1
Gja-Mir-218-P4 None MIR-218 UGUGCUU None None NW_015169213.1 295346 295409 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown 1
Gja-Mir-218-P2 None MIR-218 UGUGCUU None None NW_015175973.1 717056 717119 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown 1
Gja-Mir-217 V None MIR-217 ACUGCAU None None NW_015176455.1 652933 652991 - Chordata Chordata 2 Unknown 1
Gja-Mir-216-P2b None MIR-216 AAUCUCA None None NW_015241806.1 243 304 - Vertebrata Nephrozoa Unknown
Gja-Mir-216-P2a None MIR-216 AAUCUCU None None NW_015252653.1 213 273 + Vertebrata Nephrozoa Unknown 1
Gja-Mir-214 V None MIR-214 CAGCAGG None None NW_015163693.1 17069 17131 - Gnathostomata Gnathostomata 2 No
Gja-Mir-210 None MIR-210 GCCACUG None None NW_015170943.1 132886 132946 + Bilateria Bilateria No
Gja-Mir-208-P2 None MIR-208 UAAGACG None None NW_015162067.1 49391 49450 + Vertebrata Vertebrata No 1
Gja-Mir-205-P4 None MIR-205 CCUUCAU None None NW_015169831.1 86668 86725 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown
Gja-Mir-205-P2 None MIR-205 CCUUCAU None None NW_015169313.1 47121 47180 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown
Gja-Mir-204-P4 None MIR-204 UCCCUUU None None NW_015170928.1 396203 396260 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Gja-Mir-204-P2 None MIR-204 UCCCUUU None None NW_015176022.1 16453 16512 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Gja-Mir-204-P1 None MIR-204 UCCCUUU None None NW_015171524.1 6148 6205 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown 1
Gja-Mir-203 V None MIR-203 UGAAAUG None None NW_015170282.1 207477 207536 - Vertebrata Vertebrata 2 No 1
Gja-Mir-202 None MIR-202 UCCUAUG None None NW_015176453.1 2413340 2413397 - Vertebrata Vertebrata No
Gja-Mir-199-P3 V None MIR-199 CAGUAGU None None NW_015168135.1 22565 22625 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata 3 No 1
Gja-Mir-199-P2 V None MIR-199 CAGUAGU None None NW_015168135.1 22565 22625 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata 3 No 1
Gja-Mir-199-P1 V None MIR-199 CAGUAGU None None NW_015163693.1 22185 22245 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata 3 No 1
Gja-Mir-196-P4 None MIR-196 AGGUAGU None None NW_015167536.1 481383 481440 - Gnathostomata Olfactores No 1
Gja-Mir-196-P3 None MIR-196 AGGUAGU None None NW_015168072.1 216886 216946 + Gnathostomata Olfactores Unknown 1
Gja-Mir-196-P1 None MIR-196 AGGUAGU None None NW_015170898.1 1224278 1224340 - Gnathostomata Olfactores No 1
Gja-Mir-194-P4 None MIR-194 GUAACAG None None NW_015165831.1 1123408 1123465 - Vertebrata Vertebrata Unknown
Gja-Mir-194-P2 None MIR-194 GUAACAG None None NW_015252270.1 164 219 - Vertebrata Vertebrata No
Gja-Mir-193-P2b None MIR-193 AAUGCCC None None NW_015166472.1 115093 115155 + Vertebrata Bilateria No 1
Gja-Mir-193-P1b None MIR-193 ACUGGCC None None NW_015166472.1 56706 56764 + Vertebrata Bilateria No
Gja-Mir-192-P4 None MIR-192 UGACCUA None None NW_015165831.1 1121834 1121897 - Vertebrata Vertebrata No
Gja-Mir-192-P2 None MIR-192 UGACCUA None None NW_015175360.1 821581 821641 + Vertebrata Vertebrata Unknown 1 1
Gja-Mir-191 None MIR-191 AACGGAA None None NW_015173131.1 768711 768774 + Gnathostomata Gnathostomata No 1
Gja-Mir-190-P3 None MIR-190 GAUAUGU None None NW_015171502.1 162103 162162 - Gnathostomata Bilateria No
Gja-Mir-190-P1 None MIR-190 GAUAUGU None None NW_015160846.1 381770 381826 + Gnathostomata Bilateria Unknown 1 1
Gja-Mir-187 None MIR-187 CGUGUCU None None NW_015164788.1 50964 51021 + Osteichthyes Osteichthyes Yes 1
Gja-Mir-184 None MIR-184 GGACGGA None None NW_015161427.1 539242 539302 - Nephrozoa Nephrozoa No 1
Gja-Mir-181-P2b None MIR-181 ACAUUCA None None NW_015173680.1 1362140 1362199 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown
Gja-Mir-181-P2a None MIR-181 ACAUUCA None None NW_015169787.1 910004 910064 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata Yes
Gja-Mir-181-P1c None MIR-181 ACAUUCA None None NW_015164491.1 6410 6471 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown 1
Gja-Mir-181-P1b None MIR-181 ACAUUCA None None NW_015173680.1 1363548 1363608 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No
Gja-Mir-181-P1a None MIR-181 ACAUUCA None None NW_015169787.1 910201 910262 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Gja-Mir-155 None MIR-155 UAAUGCU None None NW_015241179.1 451 511 - Vertebrata Vertebrata Unknown
Gja-Mir-153-P2 None MIR-153 UGCAUAG None None NW_015176454.1 1405217 1405275 - Gnathostomata Bilateria No 1
Gja-Mir-153-P1 None MIR-153 UGCAUAG None None NW_015177029.1 393753 393813 + Gnathostomata Bilateria No 1
Gja-Mir-150 None MIR-150 CUCCCAA None None NW_015164218.1 21289 21345 - Gnathostomata Gnathostomata Unknown
Gja-Mir-148-P4 None MIR-148 CAGUGCA None None NW_015161593.1 32569 32629 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Gja-Mir-148-P1 None MIR-148 CAGUGCA None None NW_015170898.1 349164 349223 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Gja-Mir-147-P3b V None MIR-147 UGUGCGG None None NW_015177031.1 504424 504483 + G. japonicus Vertebrata 2 No 1
Gja-Mir-147-P3a V None MIR-147 UGUGCGG None None NW_015177031.1 495733 495792 + G. japonicus Vertebrata 2 No 1
Gja-Mir-146-P2 None MIR-146 GAGAACU None None NW_015169717.1 680 745 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown 1
Gja-Mir-146-P1 None MIR-146 GAGAACU None None NW_015172003.1 221257 221316 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown 1 1 1
Gja-Mir-145 None MIR-145 UCCAGUU None None NW_015167063.1 395710 395769 - Vertebrata Vertebrata No 1
Gja-Mir-144 V None MIR-144 ACAGUAU None None NW_015173122.1 2276609 2276665 - Vertebrata Vertebrata 2 No 1
Gja-Mir-143 None MIR-143 GAGAUGA None None NW_015167063.1 396627 396681 - Vertebrata Vertebrata Yes
Gja-Mir-142-P4 V None MIR-142 AUAAAGU None None NW_015172599.1 181697 181757 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata 4 No 1
Gja-Mir-140-P2 V None MIR-140 CCACAGG None None NW_015163100.1 1368704 1368765 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata 2 No 1 1
Gja-Mir-139 None MIR-139 CUACAGU None None NW_015176525.1 108396 108454 - Gnathostomata Gnathostomata Unknown
Gja-Mir-138-P2 None MIR-138 GCUGGUG None None NW_015172574.1 686293 686360 + Vertebrata Vertebrata Yes 1
Gja-Mir-138-P1 None MIR-138 GCUGGUG None None NW_015173213.1 78744 78804 - Vertebrata Vertebrata No 1 1
Gja-Mir-137-P3 None MIR-137 UAUUGCU None None NW_015160322.1 92692 92750 - Gnathostomata Bilateria No 1
Gja-Mir-137-P1 V None MIR-137 UAUUGCU None None NW_015174277.1 1631370 1631428 - Gnathostomata Bilateria 2 No 1
Gja-Mir-135-P4 None MIR-135 AUGGCUU None None NW_015171510.1 461162 461222 + Gnathostomata Chordata No 1
Gja-Mir-135-P2 None MIR-135 AUGGCUU None None NW_015161984.1 364369 364428 + Gnathostomata Chordata No 1
Gja-Mir-135-P1 None MIR-135 AUGGCUU None None NW_015166421.1 1929383 1929443 + Gnathostomata Chordata No 1
Gja-Mir-133-P4 V None MIR-133 UUGGUCC None None NW_015167551.1 363613 363670 - Gnathostomata Bilateria 2 Yes
Gja-Mir-133-P3 V None MIR-133 UUGGUCC None None NW_015164299.1 69522 69581 + Gnathostomata Bilateria 2 No
Gja-Mir-133-P2 V None MIR-133 UUGGUCC None None NW_015174362.1 27171 27229 + Gnathostomata Bilateria 2 No 1
Gja-Mir-133-P1 V None MIR-133 UUGGUCC None None NW_015169808.1 39459 39518 - Gnathostomata Bilateria 2 No 1
Gja-Mir-132-P2 None MIR-132 CCUUGGC None None NW_015173122.1 1272663 1272729 - Vertebrata Vertebrata No 1
Gja-Mir-132-P1 None MIR-132 CCGUGGC None None NW_015173122.1 1268374 1268433 - Vertebrata Vertebrata No 1
Gja-Mir-130-P4a None MIR-130 AGUGCAA None None NW_015164679.1 168764 168825 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Gja-Mir-130-P3a None MIR-130 AGUGCAA None None NW_015164679.1 166819 166883 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Gja-Mir-130-P2b None MIR-130 AGUGCAA None None NW_015174315.1 146123 146180 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Gja-Mir-130-P2a None MIR-130 AGUGCAA None None NW_015164679.1 147797 147855 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No
Gja-Mir-130-P1c None MIR-130 AGUGCCA None None NW_015165953.1 38741 38802 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown 1
Gja-Mir-130-P1b None MIR-130 AGUGCAA None None NW_015174315.1 144022 144084 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown 1
Gja-Mir-130-P1a None MIR-130 AGUGCAA None None NW_015164679.1 146373 146431 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No
Gja-Mir-129-P4 None MIR-129 UUUUUGC None None NW_015168079.1 600525 600593 + Gnathostomata Chordata No 1
Gja-Mir-129-P2 None MIR-129 UUUUUGC None None NW_015160237.1 400976 401041 + Gnathostomata Chordata No 1 1
Gja-Mir-129-P1 None MIR-129 UUUUUGC None None NW_015172598.1 463812 463876 - Gnathostomata Chordata No 1 1 1
Gja-Mir-128-P2 None MIR-128 CACAGUG None None NW_015169801.1 161044 161099 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Gja-Mir-128-P1 None MIR-128 CACAGUG None None NW_015161983.1 191480 191537 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Gja-Mir-126-P2 V None MIR-126 CGUACCG None None NW_015168044.1 87527 87585 - Vertebrata Olfactores 3 No 1 1 1
Gja-Mir-124-P4 V None MIR-124 AAGGCAC None None NW_015174874.1 301872 301931 - Gnathostomata Bilateria 2 No 1
Gja-Mir-124-P3 V None MIR-124 AAGGCAC None None NW_015169811.1 128458 128517 - Gnathostomata Bilateria 2 No 1
Gja-Mir-124-P2 V None MIR-124 AAGGCAC None None NW_015159711.1 1730997 1731057 + Gnathostomata Bilateria 2 No 1
Gja-Mir-124-P1 V None MIR-124 AAGGCAC None None NW_015166423.1 1268829 1268887 + Gnathostomata Bilateria 2 No 1
Gja-Mir-122 None MIR-122 GGAGUGU None None NW_015169783.1 601900 601957 + Vertebrata Vertebrata No 1
Gja-Mir-103-P4 None MIR-103 GCAGCAU None None NW_015163608.1 1590539 1590598 - Gnathostomata Bilateria No
Gja-Mir-103-P2 None MIR-103 GCAGCAU None None NW_015171560.1 17332 17391 - Gnathostomata Bilateria No 1
Gja-Mir-103-P1 None MIR-103 GCAGCAU None None NW_015177082.1 59994 60053 - Gnathostomata Bilateria No 1
Gja-Mir-101-P2 V None MIR-101 ACAGUAC None None NW_015163623.1 608902 608960 - Vertebrata Vertebrata 2 No 1
Gja-Mir-101-P1 V None MIR-101 ACAGUAC None None NW_015177048.1 96034 96092 + Vertebrata Vertebrata 2 No 1 1
Gja-Mir-96-P3 V None MIR-96 AUGGCAC None None NW_015171061.1 25415 25476 + Bilateria Bilateria 2 Unknown 1
Gja-Mir-96-P2 None MIR-96 UUGGCAA None None NW_015171061.1 46029 46093 + Bilateria Bilateria Unknown 1
Gja-Mir-96-P1 None MIR-96 UUGGCAC None None NW_015171061.1 26651 26714 + Bilateria Bilateria No 1
Gja-Mir-92-P2c None MIR-92 AUUGCAC None None NW_015169856.1 119070 119134 - Gnathostomata Bilateria Yes 1
Gja-Mir-92-P2a None MIR-92 AUUGCAC None None NW_015166434.1 931208 931267 + Gnathostomata Bilateria Unknown 1 1
Gja-Mir-92-P1d None MIR-92 AUUGCAC None None NW_015171502.1 2482708 2482770 + Gnathostomata Bilateria No
Gja-Mir-92-P1c None MIR-92 AUUGCAC None None NW_015169856.1 119224 119288 - Gnathostomata Bilateria No 1
Gja-Mir-92-P1a None MIR-92 AUUGCAC None None NW_015159750.1 119406 119466 - Gnathostomata Bilateria No 1
Gja-Mir-34-P3d None MIR-34 GGCAGUG None None NW_015173699.1 557874 557932 + Gnathostomata Bilateria No 1
Gja-Mir-34-P3c None MIR-34 GGCAGUG None None NW_015173699.1 555373 555434 + Gnathostomata Bilateria Unknown 1
Gja-Mir-34-P3b None MIR-34 GGCAGUG None None NW_015173699.1 555240 555301 + Gnathostomata Bilateria Unknown 1 1
Gja-Mir-34-P3a None MIR-34 GGCAGUG None None NW_015173699.1 554751 554807 + Gnathostomata Bilateria Unknown
Gja-Mir-34-P2b None MIR-34 GGCAGUG None None NW_015174966.1 48412 48466 - Vertebrata Bilateria Unknown 1
Gja-Mir-34-P2a None MIR-34 GGCAGUG None None NW_015233830.1 366 425 + Vertebrata Bilateria No
Gja-Mir-34-P1 None MIR-34 GGCAGUG None None NW_015165843.1 805305 805370 - Gnathostomata Bilateria No 1 1
Gja-Mir-33-P3 None MIR-33 UGCAUUG None None NW_015159728.1 872123 872183 - Gnathostomata Bilateria No 1 1
Gja-Mir-33-P1 None MIR-33 UGCAUUG None None NW_015177012.1 59654 59713 + Gnathostomata Bilateria Unknown 1 1 1
Gja-Mir-32 None MIR-32 AUUGCAC None None NW_015164189.1 691560 691621 + Gnathostomata Gnathostomata No 1 1
Gja-Mir-31-P12 None MIR-31 GGCAAGA None None NW_015164669.1 1784561 1784619 + G. japonicus Bilateria Unknown 1
Gja-Mir-31-P11 None MIR-31 GGCAAGA None None NW_015201646.1 532 590 + G. japonicus Bilateria Unknown 1
Gja-Mir-31-P10 None MIR-31 GGCAAGA None None NW_015164226.1 388838 388896 - G. japonicus Bilateria No 1
Gja-Mir-30-P2d None MIR-30 GUAAACA None None NW_015174883.1 334623 334683 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown 1 1
Gja-Mir-30-P2b None MIR-30 GUAAACA None None NW_015172084.1 149198 149257 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Gja-Mir-30-P2a None MIR-30 GUAAACA None None NW_015176490.1 308088 308147 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown 1 1
Gja-Mir-30-P1d None MIR-30 GUAAACA None None NW_015174883.1 338146 338209 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Gja-Mir-30-P1b None MIR-30 GUAAACA None None NW_015172084.1 125561 125624 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown 1 1 1
Gja-Mir-30-P1a None MIR-30 GUAAACA None None NW_015176490.1 310743 310799 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Gja-Mir-29-P2d None MIR-29 AGCACCA None None NW_015176027.1 127917 127976 - Gnathostomata Bilateria No 1
Gja-Mir-29-P2b None MIR-29 AGCACCA None None NW_015315459.1 51 110 + Gnathostomata Bilateria No 1
Gja-Mir-29-P1d V None MIR-29 AGCACCA None None NW_015176027.1 130053 130117 - Gnathostomata Bilateria 2 No 1
Gja-Mir-29-P1b V None MIR-29 AGCACCA None None NW_015176039.1 73858 73921 - Gnathostomata Bilateria 2 No 1
Gja-Mir-27-P3 None MIR-27 UCACAGU None None NW_015175453.1 135915 135976 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata Yes 1
Gja-Mir-27-P2 None MIR-27 UCACAGU None None NW_015167066.1 327064 327126 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata Yes 1
Gja-Mir-26-P4 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None NW_015218095.1 734 794 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No
Gja-Mir-26-P2 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None NW_015160300.1 37707 37767 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Gja-Mir-26-P1 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None NW_015174375.1 34934 34994 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Gja-Mir-24-P3 None MIR-24 GGCUCAG None None NW_015175453.1 135655 135714 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata Yes 1
Gja-Mir-23-P3 None MIR-23 UCACAUU None None NW_015175453.1 136216 136276 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No
Gja-Mir-23-P2 None MIR-23 UCACAUU None None NW_015167066.1 326843 326902 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata Yes 1 1 1
Gja-Mir-22-P1b None MIR-22 AGCUGCC None None NW_015173122.1 916413 916474 - Vertebrata Bilateria No 1 1
Gja-Mir-21 None MIR-21 AGCUUAU None None NW_015175984.1 334061 334120 + Vertebrata Vertebrata No
Gja-Mir-19-P2c None MIR-19 GUGCAAA None None NW_015169856.1 119403 119463 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No
Gja-Mir-19-P2a None MIR-19 GUGCAAA None None NW_015159750.1 119520 119580 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Gja-Mir-19-P1a None MIR-19 GUGCAAA None None NW_015159750.1 119825 119882 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Gja-Mir-17-P4c None MIR-17 AAAGUGC None None NW_015169856.1 119534 119595 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown 1 1
Gja-Mir-17-P4a None MIR-17 AAAGUGC None None NW_015159750.1 119664 119722 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Gja-Mir-17-P2c None MIR-17 AAGGUGC None None NW_015272222.1 295 359 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown
Gja-Mir-17-P2a None MIR-17 AAGGUGC None None NW_015159750.1 119955 120019 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Gja-Mir-17-P1c None MIR-17 AAAGUGC None None None None None None Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown
Gja-Mir-17-P1a None MIR-17 AAAGUGC None None NW_015159750.1 120099 120159 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown 1 1
Gja-Mir-15-P2d None MIR-15 AGCAGCA None None NW_015177030.1 45293 45357 + Gnathostomata Olfactores No 1
Gja-Mir-15-P2c None MIR-15 AGCAGCA None None NW_015169856.1 213867 213932 - Gnathostomata Olfactores Unknown 1
Gja-Mir-15-P2b None MIR-15 AGCAGCA None None NW_015163604.1 1350585 1350648 + Gnathostomata Olfactores No 1
Gja-Mir-15-P2a None MIR-15 AGCAGCA None None NW_015176538.1 29243 29308 - Gnathostomata Olfactores No 1 1
Gja-Mir-15-P1c None MIR-15 AGCAGCA None None NW_015219579.1 41 98 - Gnathostomata Olfactores No
Gja-Mir-15-P1b None MIR-15 AGCAGCA None None NW_015163604.1 1350423 1350482 + Gnathostomata Olfactores Unknown 1
Gja-Mir-15-P1a None MIR-15 AGCAGCA None None NW_015176538.1 29392 29450 - Gnathostomata Olfactores Unknown 1
Gja-Mir-10-P3d None MIR-10 CCCUGAG None None NW_015160857.1 722236 722297 + Gnathostomata Eumetazoa No 1 1
Gja-Mir-10-P3c None MIR-10 CCCUGAG None None NW_015168046.1 815980 816041 - Gnathostomata Eumetazoa No 1 1
Gja-Mir-10-P3b None MIR-10 CCCUGAG None None NW_015177027.1 793882 793941 + Gnathostomata Eumetazoa Unknown 1 1
Gja-Mir-10-P2d None MIR-10 ACCCGUA None None NW_015160857.1 647772 647828 + Gnathostomata Eumetazoa No 1
Gja-Mir-10-P2c None MIR-10 ACCCGUA None None NW_015168046.1 857670 857728 - Gnathostomata Eumetazoa No 1 1
Gja-Mir-10-P2b None MIR-10 ACCCGUA None None NW_015177027.1 781795 781854 + Gnathostomata Eumetazoa No 1
Gja-Mir-10-P1d V None MIR-10 ACCCUGU None None NW_015167536.1 410034 410093 - Gnathostomata Eumetazoa 2 Unknown
Gja-Mir-10-P1c V None MIR-10 ACCCUGU None None NW_015168072.1 295317 295378 + Gnathostomata Eumetazoa 2 Unknown 1
Gja-Mir-10-P1b V None MIR-10 ACCCUGU None None NW_015165302.1 170053 170114 - Gnathostomata Eumetazoa 2 No 1
Gja-Mir-9-P4 None MIR-9 CUUUGGU None None NW_015162539.1 184322 184381 + Gnathostomata Bilateria No 1 1
Gja-Mir-9-P3 None MIR-9 CUUUGGU None None NW_015170330.1 176780 176841 - Gnathostomata Bilateria No 1 1
Gja-Mir-9-P2 None MIR-9 CUUUGGU None None NW_015170914.1 388407 388466 - Gnathostomata Bilateria No 1 1
Gja-Mir-9-P1 None MIR-9 CUUUGGU None None NW_015162011.1 108925 108986 + Gnathostomata Bilateria No 1 1
Gja-Mir-8-P3a None MIR-8 AAUACUG None None NW_015166420.1 1655918 1655977 + Vertebrata Nephrozoa No
Gja-Mir-8-P2a None MIR-8 AACACUG None None NW_015166420.1 1649786 1649846 + Vertebrata Nephrozoa No 1 1
Gja-Mir-8-P1a None MIR-8 AAUACUG None None NW_015166420.1 1645418 1645477 + Vertebrata Nephrozoa No 1 1 1
Gja-Mir-7-P4 None MIR-7 GGAAGAC None None NW_015172029.1 510665 510725 + Gnathostomata Bilateria Unknown 1
Gja-Mir-7-P2 None MIR-7 GGAAGAC None None NW_015171506.1 1192548 1192611 + Gnathostomata Bilateria No 1
Gja-Mir-7-P1 None MIR-7 GGAAGAC None None NW_015177032.1 643446 643509 - Gnathostomata Bilateria No 1 1
Gja-Mir-1-P4d None MIR-1 GGAAUGU None None NW_015167551.1 363813 363875 - G. japonicus Bilateria No
Gja-Mir-1-P4c None MIR-1 GGAAUGU None None NW_015201371.1 681 743 - G. japonicus Bilateria No
Gja-Mir-1-P3 None MIR-1 GGAAUGU None None NW_015164299.1 20446 20506 + Gnathostomata Bilateria No 1
Gja-Mir-1-P2f None MIR-1 GGAAUGU None None NW_015198665.1 1004 1063 - G. japonicus Bilateria No 1
Gja-Mir-1-P2e None MIR-1 GGAAUGU None None NW_015174362.1 18135 18194 + G. japonicus Bilateria No 1
Gja-Mir-1-P1 None MIR-1 GGAAUGU None None NW_015169808.1 43186 43246 - Gnathostomata Bilateria No 1
Gja-Let-7-P2c3 None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None NW_015166421.1 1998905 1998982 + Gnathostomata Bilateria Yes 1
Gja-Let-7-P2c2 None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None NW_015159718.1 219012 219088 - Gnathostomata Bilateria Yes 1
Gja-Let-7-P2c1 None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None NW_015172556.1 1620881 1620955 + Gnathostomata Bilateria Yes 1
Gja-Let-7-P2b4 None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None NW_015171521.1 414499 414575 - Gnathostomata Bilateria Yes 1 1
Gja-Let-7-P2b3 None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None NW_015173237.1 128629 128706 + Gnathostomata Bilateria Yes 1 1
Gja-Let-7-P2b2 None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None NW_015176486.1 233056 233132 - Gnathostomata Bilateria Yes 1
Gja-Let-7-P2b1 None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None NW_015172556.1 1619881 1619957 + Gnathostomata Bilateria Yes 1
Gja-Let-7-P2a4 None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None NW_015171521.1 414730 414800 - Gnathostomata Bilateria Yes 1
Gja-Let-7-P2a3 None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None NW_015173237.1 127969 128039 + Gnathostomata Bilateria Yes
Gja-Let-7-P2a2 None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None NW_015176486.1 235245 235315 - Gnathostomata Bilateria Yes
Gja-Let-7-P2a1 None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None NW_015172556.1 1619550 1619621 + Gnathostomata Bilateria Yes 1
Gja-Let-7-P1d None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None NW_015160857.1 663560 663626 + Gnathostomata Bilateria No 1
Gja-Let-7-P1c None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None NW_015168046.1 856576 856642 - Gnathostomata Bilateria No 1
Gja-Let-7-P1b None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None NW_015177027.1 784665 784732 + Gnathostomata Bilateria No 1

(red - mature/co-mature, blue - star)

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