MirGeneDB 3.0

130 microRNA genes of family MIR-26
Sort by genome coordinates Motifs
MirGeneDB ID MiRBase ID Family Seed 5p accession 3p accession Chromosome Start End Strand Node of origin (locus) Node of origin (family) Iso­miR 3' NTU  UG  UGUG CNNC
Pma-Mir-26-o1 pma-mir-26a-1 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0019408 MIMAT0019409 NC_046072.1 10549245 10549307 - P. marinus Vertebrata Unknown 1
Pma-Mir-26-o2 pma-mir-26a-2 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0019408 MIMAT0019410 NC_046070.1 25665244 25665301 + P. marinus Vertebrata Unknown 1 1
Pma-Mir-26-o3 pma-mir-26b MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0019411 MIMAT0019412 NC_046102.1 6813097 6813157 + P. marinus Vertebrata No 1 1
Pma-Mir-26-o4 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None NC_046078.1 15629166 15629223 + P. marinus Vertebrata No 1 1 1
Aca-Mir-26-P1 aca-mir-26-2 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0021902 MIMAT0021904 6 1202369 1202429 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Ami-Mir-26-P1 ami-mir-26-1 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0038064 MIMAT0038065 NW_017707901.1 27325054 27325114 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No
Bta-Mir-26-P1 bta-mir-26a-1 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0003516 None NC_037349.1 11420455 11420515 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Cfa-Mir-26-P1 cfa-mir-26a-1 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0006595 None chr23 7747073 7747133 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Cja-Mir-26-P1 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None CM021931.1 68898896 68898956 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown 1 1
Cli-Mir-26-P1 cli-mir-26-1 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0038442 MIMAT0038443 scaffold370 399891 399951 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Cmi-Mir-26-P1 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None KI636306.1 14073 14133 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Cpi-Mir-26-P1 cpi-mir-26-1 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0037660 MIMAT0037661 JH584683 1345283 1345343 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Cpo-Mir-26-P1 cpo-mir-26a-1 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0046885 MIMAT0046886 scaffold_16 36503835 36503895 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Dno-Mir-26-P1 dno-mir-26a-1 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0047538 MIMAT0047539 JH570423 6446036 6446096 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Eca-Mir-26-P1 eca-mir-26a-2 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0012975 None CM009163.1 48848863 48848923 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Ete-Mir-26-P1 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None JH980310 30597776 30597836 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Gga-Mir-26-P1 gga-mir-26a MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0001118 MIMAT0026501 2 4629104 4629164 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Gja-Mir-26-P1 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None NW_015174375.1 34934 34994 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Hsa-Mir-26-P1 hsa-mir-26a-1 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0000082 MIMAT0004499 chr3 37969413 37969473 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Laf-Mir-26-P1 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None GL010063.1 2187517 2187577 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown 1 1
Lch-Mir-26-P1 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None JH129281.1 50980 51040 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown 1 1
Loc-Mir-26-P1 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None LG9 25645176 25645236 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Mdo-Mir-26-P1 mdo-mir-26-3 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0012736 MIMAT0031030 Un 48296701 48296761 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No
Mml-Mir-26-P1 mml-mir-26a-1 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0002349 MIMAT0026574 CM014337.1 93406783 93406843 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Mmr-Mir-26-P1 mmr-mir-26a-1 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0049140 None CM007661.1 32437091 32437151 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Mmu-Mir-26-P1 mmu-mir-26a-1 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0000533 MIMAT0017020 chr9 119031811 119031871 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Mun-Mir-26-P1 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None LR594632.1 62549282 62549342 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Neu-Mir-26-P1 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None CM051815.1 485757963 485758023 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No
Oan-Mir-26-P1 oan-mir-26-2 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0006991 MIMAT0031115 NC_041740.1 636791 636851 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Ocu-Mir-26-P1 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None Ocu-Mir-26-P3_pre_CM023785.1:1955415-1955555 41 101 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Pab-Mir-26-P1 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None CM068843.1 116541483 116541543 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown 1 1
Pbv-Mir-26-P1 pbv-mir-26-2 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0038858 None KE956790.1 10180 10240 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown 1
Rno-Mir-26-P1 rno-mir-26a MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0000796 MIMAT0017100 chr8 127714456 127714516 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Sha-Mir-26-P1 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None GL842133.1 35695 35755 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No
Spt-Mir-26-P1 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None QEPC01003143.1 7453624 7453684 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown 1
Sto-Mir-26-P1 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None BFAA01003659.1 260921 260981 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Tgu-Mir-26-P1 tgu-mir-26-1 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0014516 MIMAT0026980 2 4609728 4609788 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No
Xtr-Mir-26-P1 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None chrUn_NW_016683377v1 970639 970699 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Dre-Mir-26-P1a dre-mir-26a-3 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0001794 None chr24 20470992 20471052 - Clupeocephala Vertebrata No 1 1
Gmo-Mir-26-P1a gmo-mir-26a-1 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0044164 MIMAT0044316 GeneScaffold_827 75167 75227 + Clupeocephala Vertebrata No 1
Mal-Mir-26-P1a None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None KV884743.1 196169 196229 + Clupeocephala Vertebrata No 1
Tni-Mir-26-P1a None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None 6 4014119 4014177 + Clupeocephala Vertebrata No 1
Dre-Mir-26-P1b dre-mir-26a-2 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0001794 MIMAT0031948 chr2 21375503 21375560 + Clupeocephala Vertebrata No 1 1
Gmo-Mir-26-P1b gmo-mir-26a-2 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0044164 MIMAT0044213 GeneScaffold_3167 58039 58099 - Clupeocephala Vertebrata No 1 1
Mal-Mir-26-P1b None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None KV884754.1 1888086 1888145 + Clupeocephala Vertebrata No 1 1
Tni-Mir-26-P1b None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None 15 2348349 2348409 + Clupeocephala Vertebrata No 1
Xla-Mir-26-P1c None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None NC_030734.1 8319770 8319830 + X. laevis Vertebrata No 1
Xla-Mir-26-P1d None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None NC_030735.1 6761303 6761363 + X. laevis Vertebrata No 1
Aca-Mir-26-P2 aca-mir-26-1 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0021902 MIMAT0021903 1 88581323 88581383 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Bta-Mir-26-P2 bta-mir-26b MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0003531 None NC_037329.1 106411200 106411256 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1 1
Cfa-Mir-26-P2 cfa-mir-26b MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0006678 None chr37 25054488 25054544 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1 1
Cja-Mir-26-P2 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None CM021920.1 136632239 136632294 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1 1
Cli-Mir-26-P2 cli-mir-26-2 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0038442 MIMAT0038444 scaffold32 1151298 1151358 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1 1
Cpi-Mir-26-P2 cpi-mir-26-3 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0037660 MIMAT0037663 JH584422 1829808 1829868 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Cpo-Mir-26-P2 cpo-mir-26b MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0046888 MIMAT0046889 scaffold_153 48442 48498 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1 1
Dno-Mir-26-P2 dno-mir-26b MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0047541 MIMAT0047542 JH570238 465616 465672 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1 1
Eca-Mir-26-P2 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None CM009153.1 7834344 7834400 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1 1
Ete-Mir-26-P2 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None JH980302 44827411 44827468 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1 1
Gga-Mir-26-P2 gga-mir-26a-2 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0037538 None 7 22543971 22544030 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Gja-Mir-26-P2 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None NW_015160300.1 37707 37767 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Hsa-Mir-26-P2 hsa-mir-26b MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0000083 MIMAT0004500 chr2 218402657 218402713 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1 1
Laf-Mir-26-P2 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None GL010030.1 8525911 8525967 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1 1
Lch-Mir-26-P2 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None JH128253.1 141295 141355 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown 1
Loc-Mir-26-P2 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None LG12 21628472 21628532 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Mdo-Mir-26-P2 mdo-mir-26-2 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0012736 MIMAT0026929 7 174297329 174297385 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Mml-Mir-26-P2 mml-mir-26b MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0006166 MIMAT0026801 CM014347.1 105820507 105820563 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1 1
Mmr-Mir-26-P2 mmr-mir-26b MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0049145 None CM007668.1 19750862 19750918 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1 1
Mmu-Mir-26-P2 mmu-mir-26b MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0000534 MIMAT0004630 chr1 74394324 74394381 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1 1
Mun-Mir-26-P2 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None LR594638.1 303153964 303154024 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown 1 1 1
Neu-Mir-26-P2 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None CM051818.1 316954659 316954715 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown 1 1
Oan-Mir-26-P2 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None NC_041728.1 180525575 180525632 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Ocu-Mir-26-P2 ocu-mir-26b MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0048137 MIMAT0048138 chr7 159720534 159720590 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1 1
Pab-Mir-26-P2 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None CM054690.2 121836515 121836571 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown 1 1 1
Pbv-Mir-26-P2 pbv-mir-26-1 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0038858 MIMAT0038859 KE955533.1 16656 16716 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Rno-Mir-26-P2 rno-mir-26b MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0000797 MIMAT0004714 chr9 81675289 81675346 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1 1
Sha-Mir-26-P2 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None GL849891.1 2062376 2062432 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Spt-Mir-26-P2 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None QEPC01004877.1 328795 328855 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown 1 1
Sto-Mir-26-P2 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None BFAA01020652.1 7259 7319 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Tgu-Mir-26-P2 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None 7 9895589 9895649 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1 1
Dre-Mir-26-P2a dre-mir-26a-1 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0001794 MIMAT0031947 chr9 41733543 41733602 + Clupeocephala Vertebrata No 1 1
Gmo-Mir-26-P2a gmo-mir-26a-4 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0044164 MIMAT0046042 GeneScaffold_1686 271510 271572 - Clupeocephala Vertebrata No 1 1
Mal-Mir-26-P2a None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None KV884797.1 147178 147238 - Clupeocephala Vertebrata No 1 1
Gmo-Mir-26-P2b gmo-mir-26b MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0044207 None GeneScaffold_2973 151876 151939 + Clupeocephala Vertebrata No 1 1 1
Mal-Mir-26-P2b None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None KV884849.1 15304 15364 - Clupeocephala Vertebrata No 1 1
Tni-Mir-26-P2b None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None 3 1744449 1744509 - Clupeocephala Vertebrata No 1 1
Xtr-Mir-26-P2c xtr-mir-26-2 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0003569 None chr9 77064704 77064764 + X. tropicalis Vertebrata No 1
Xtr-Mir-26-P2d xtr-mir-26-2 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0003569 None chr9 77070820 77070880 + X. tropicalis Vertebrata No 1
Xla-Mir-26-P2e xla-mir-26-2 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0046555 MIMAT0046557 NC_030740.1 52888537 52888597 - X. laevis Vertebrata No 1
Xla-Mir-26-P2f None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None NC_030741.1 48190685 48190745 - X. laevis Vertebrata No 1
Aca-Mir-26-P4 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None 2 67040511 67040571 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No
Ami-Mir-26-P4 ami-mir-26-2 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0038064 MIMAT0038066 NW_017714443.1 114276 114335 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No
Bta-Mir-26-P4 bta-mir-26a-2 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0003516 None NC_037332.1 55652086 55652145 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No
Cfa-Mir-26-P4 cfa-mir-26a-2 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0006595 None chr10 1880513 1880572 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Cja-Mir-26-P4 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None CM021923.1 58317650 58317709 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Cpi-Mir-26-P4 cpi-mir-26-2 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0037660 MIMAT0037662 JH584683 12190854 12190914 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Cpo-Mir-26-P4 cpo-mir-26a-2 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0046885 MIMAT0046887 scaffold_9 40004275 40004334 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Dno-Mir-26-P4 dno-mir-26a-2 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0047538 MIMAT0047540 JH580497 85565 85624 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No
Dre-Mir-26-P4 dre-mir-26b MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0001795 None chr23 24675224 24675284 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Eca-Mir-26-P4 eca-mir-26a MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0012975 None CM009153.1 76295588 76295647 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No
Ete-Mir-26-P4 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None JH980300 75621806 75621864 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Gga-Mir-26-P4 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None 33 4891210 4891266 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Gja-Mir-26-P4 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None NW_015218095.1 734 794 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No
Gmo-Mir-26-P4 gmo-mir-26a-3 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0044164 None GeneScaffold_2026 277330 277390 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Hsa-Mir-26-P4 hsa-mir-26a-2 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0000082 MIMAT0004681 chr12 57824620 57824679 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Laf-Mir-26-P4 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None GL010029.1 47109539 47109598 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Lch-Mir-26-P4 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None JH126659.1 411216 411276 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown 1 1
Loc-Mir-26-P4 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None AHAT01044445.1 473 533 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Mal-Mir-26-P4 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None KV885165.1 176843 176903 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Mdo-Mir-26-P4 mdo-mir-26-1 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0012736 MIMAT0031031 Un 32096957 32097015 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Mml-Mir-26-P4 mml-mir-26a-2 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0002349 MIMAT0031062 CM014346.1 57410764 57410823 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Mmr-Mir-26-P4 mmr-mir-26a-2 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0049140 None CM007667.1 69233005 69233064 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Mmu-Mir-26-P4 mmu-mir-26a-2 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0000533 MIMAT0017058 chr10 126995543 126995602 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Mun-Mir-26-P4 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None LR594634.1 308299370 308299431 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Neu-Mir-26-P4 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None CM051815.1 233187975 233188033 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown 1
Oan-Mir-26-P4 oan-mir-26-1 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0006991 MIMAT0006992 NC_041737.1 59432068 59432124 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Ocu-Mir-26-P4 ocu-mir-26a MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0048135 MIMAT0048136 chrUn0016 918076 918135 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Pab-Mir-26-P4 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None CM054689.2 55757004 55757063 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Pbv-Mir-26-P4 pbv-mir-26-3 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0038858 MIMAT0038860 KE955192.1 47260 47320 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Rno-Mir-26-P4 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None chr7 70287326 70287385 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Sha-Mir-26-P4 sha-mir-26a MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0022828 None GL861726.1 615061 615119 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Spt-Mir-26-P4 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None QEPC01013826.1 3622958 3623018 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown
Sto-Mir-26-P4 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None BFAA01020753.1 8269 8329 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Tgu-Mir-26-P4 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None 29 1061954 1062009 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Tni-Mir-26-P4 tni-mir-26 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0003038 None Un_random 52438987 52439046 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Xtr-Mir-26-P4 xtr-mir-26-1 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0003569 None chr2 138750904 138750964 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Xla-Mir-26-P4a xla-mir-26-1 MIR-26 UCAAGUA MIMAT0046555 MIMAT0046556 NC_030726.1 143656238 143656298 - X. laevis Vertebrata No 1
Xla-Mir-26-P4b None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None NC_030727.1 124697493 124697553 - X. laevis Vertebrata No 1
Ebu-Mir-26-P5 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None FYBX02009576.1 1795671 1795730 + E. burgeri Vertebrata No 1
Ebu-Mir-26-P6 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None FYBX02010372.1 1513076 1513135 - E. burgeri Vertebrata Unknown 1 1
Ebu-Mir-26-P7 None MIR-26 UCAAGUA None None FYBX02010339.1 270818 270877 + E. burgeri Vertebrata No 1 1

(red - mature/co-mature, blue - star)

Download sequences for: precursor | 5p | 3p | mature | star | mature/star | loop | extend_pre | all