MirGeneDB 3.0

33 microRNA genes of family MIR-1388
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MirGeneDB ID MiRBase ID Family Seed 5p accession 3p accession Chromosome Start End Strand Node of origin (locus) Node of origin (family) Iso­miR 3' NTU  UG  UGUG CNNC
Aca-Mir-1388 aca-mir-1388 MIR-1388 GGACUGU MIMAT0021760 MIMAT0021761 4 156036018 156036078 + Gnathostomata Gnathostomata No 1 1
Ami-Mir-1388 ami-mir-1388 MIR-1388 GGACUGU MIMAT0038312 MIMAT0038313 NW_017711743.1 954514 954574 + Gnathostomata Gnathostomata No 1 1
Bta-Mir-1388 bta-mir-1388 MIR-1388 GGACUGU MIMAT0013590 MIMAT0013591 NC_037340.1 53904040 53904100 + Gnathostomata Gnathostomata Yes 1 1 1
Cfa-Mir-1388 None MIR-1388 GGACUGU None None chr24 47411218 47411275 - Gnathostomata Gnathostomata No 1 1
Cli-Mir-1388 cli-mir-1388 MIR-1388 GGACUGU MIMAT0038674 MIMAT0038675 scaffold36 1588269 1588329 - Gnathostomata Gnathostomata No 1
Cmi-Mir-1388 None MIR-1388 GGACUGU None None KI635860.1 571722 571781 - Gnathostomata Gnathostomata No 1
Cpi-Mir-1388 cpi-mir-1388 MIR-1388 GGACUGU MIMAT0037913 MIMAT0037914 JH584590 1270353 1270413 - Gnathostomata Gnathostomata No 1 1
Cpo-Mir-1388 cpo-mir-1388 MIR-1388 GGACUGU MIMAT0047425 MIMAT0047426 scaffold_119 424300 424359 + Gnathostomata Gnathostomata No 1 1
Dno-Mir-1388 dno-mir-1388 MIR-1388 GGACUGU MIMAT0048049 MIMAT0048050 JH569290 395897 395955 + Gnathostomata Gnathostomata No 1 1 1
Dre-Mir-1388 dre-mir-1388 MIR-1388 UCUCAGG MIMAT0011292 MIMAT0011293 chr23 13604240 13604298 + Gnathostomata Gnathostomata No
Eca-Mir-1388 eca-mir-1388 MIR-1388 GGACUGU MIMAT0034496 None CM009169.1 50627508 50627568 - Gnathostomata Gnathostomata No 1 1 1
Ete-Mir-1388 None MIR-1388 GGACUGU None None JH980408 215220 215275 + Gnathostomata Gnathostomata No 1 1
Gga-Mir-1388 gga-mir-1388a MIR-1388 GGACUGU MIMAT0037555 MIMAT0037556 20 9510195 9510255 + Gnathostomata Gnathostomata No 1
Gja-Mir-1388 None MIR-1388 GGACUGU None None NW_015176067.1 166941 167001 - Gnathostomata Gnathostomata Unknown 1 1 1
Gmo-Mir-1388 gmo-mir-1338 MIR-1388 UCUCAGG MIMAT0044237 MIMAT0044238 GeneScaffold_370 43931 43989 - Gnathostomata Gnathostomata No 1
Laf-Mir-1388 None MIR-1388 UCUCAGG None None GL010148.1 341799 341856 + Gnathostomata Gnathostomata No 1 1
Lch-Mir-1388 None MIR-1388 GGACUGU None None JH129487.1 80767 80826 - Gnathostomata Gnathostomata Unknown 1 1 1
Loc-Mir-1388 None MIR-1388 GGACUGU None None LG18 10114028 10114088 + Gnathostomata Gnathostomata No
Mal-Mir-1388 None MIR-1388 GGACUGU None None KV884779.1 739463 739521 - Gnathostomata Gnathostomata Yes 1
Mdo-Mir-1388 mdo-mir-352 MIR-1388 GGACUGU MIMAT0050134 MIMAT0050135 1 472807067 472807126 + Gnathostomata Gnathostomata No 1 1 1
Mmr-Mir-1388 mmr-mir-1388 MIR-1388 GGGCUGU None MIMAT0049162 CM007678.1 56628819 56628879 - Gnathostomata Gnathostomata No 1 1
Mun-Mir-1388 None MIR-1388 GGACUGU None None LR594639.1 196089299 196089360 - Gnathostomata Gnathostomata No 1
Pbv-Mir-1388 pbv-mir-1388 MIR-1388 GGACUGU MIMAT0039077 MIMAT0039078 KE954591.1 217186 217246 - Gnathostomata Gnathostomata Yes 1 1 1
Sha-Mir-1388 sha-mir-352 MIR-1388 UCUCAGG None MIMAT0022772 GL834659.1 2574302 2574361 + Gnathostomata Gnathostomata No 1 1 1
Spt-Mir-1388 None MIR-1388 GGACUGU None None QEPC01014492.1 1428991 1429051 + Gnathostomata Gnathostomata Unknown 1
Sto-Mir-1388 None MIR-1388 GGACUGU None None BFAA01000670.1 364959 365018 - Gnathostomata Gnathostomata No 1
Tgu-Mir-1388 tgu-mir-1388 MIR-1388 GGACUGU MIMAT0027019 MIMAT0014594 20 8204279 8204340 - Gnathostomata Gnathostomata No 1 1
Tni-Mir-1388 None MIR-1388 UCUCAGG None None 9 5786618 5786676 + Gnathostomata Gnathostomata No 1
Xtr-Mir-1388 None MIR-1388 UCUCAGG None None NC_030686.2:1249050-1250250 1035 1095 - Gnathostomata Gnathostomata No 1
Eca-Mir-1388-as None MIR-1388 UCUCAGG None None CM009169.1 50627510 50627570 + Gnathostomata Gnathostomata No 1
Oan-Mir-1388 V oan-mir-1388 MIR-1388 UCUCAGG MIMAT0007168 MIMAT0007169 NC_041735.1 20334932 20334992 + Gnathostomata Gnathostomata 2 No 1 1
Xla-Mir-1388-P1 None MIR-1388 GGACUGU None None NC_030740.1 18044448 18044508 + X. laevis Gnathostomata No 1
Xla-Mir-1388-P2 None MIR-1388 GGACUGU None None NC_030741.1 16672952 16673012 + X. laevis Gnathostomata No 1

(red - mature/co-mature, blue - star)

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