MirGeneDB 3.0

7 microRNA genes with node of origin Demospongiae
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MirGeneDB ID MiRBase ID Family Seed 5p accession 3p accession Chromosome Start End Strand Node of origin (locus) Node of origin (family) Iso­miR 3' NTU  UG  UGUG CNNC
Emu-Mir-2014 None MIR-2014 AGAUUGG None None JABACO010000010.1 1205281 1205363 + Demospongiae Demospongiae No 1
Aqu-Mir-2015 aqu-mir-2015 MIR-2015 CAUGUAU MIMAT0009688 MIMAT0009689 NW_003546311.1 293397 293474 - Demospongiae Demospongiae No
Emu-Mir-2015 None MIR-2015 CAUGUAU None None JABACO010000002.1 17506160 17506226 - Demospongiae Demospongiae No
Aqu-Mir-2017 aqu-mir-2017 MIR-2017 ACCUGUG MIMAT0009692 MIMAT0009693 NW_003546545.1 71864 71947 - Demospongiae Demospongiae No 1
Aqu-Mir-2018 aqu-mir-2018 MIR-2018 GUCGGAG MIMAT0009694 MIMAT0009695 NW_003546273.1 58780 58909 - Demospongiae Demospongiae No
Aqu-Mir-2020 aqu-mir-2020 MIR-2020 GGGUAGU MIMAT0009698 MIMAT0009699 NW_003546456.1 86352 86455 - Demospongiae Demospongiae No
Aqu-Mir-2021 aqu-mir-2021 MIR-2021 GGUGGUC MIMAT0009753 MIMAT0009754 NW_003546453.1 134191 134316 + Demospongiae Demospongiae No

(red - mature/co-mature, blue - star)

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