MirGeneDB 3.0

8 Oryctolagus cuniculus microRNA genes of family MIR-17 (all species)
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MirGeneDB ID MiRBase ID Family Seed 5p accession 3p accession Chromosome Start End Strand Node of origin (locus) Node of origin (family) Iso­miR 3' NTU  UG  UGUG CNNC He Ki Te To Wh
Ocu-Mir-17-P4d ocu-mir-93 MIR-17 AAAGUGC MIMAT0048176 MIMAT0048177 chrUn0062 102971 103032 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Ocu-Mir-17-P4c ocu-mir-20b MIR-17 AAAGUGC MIMAT0048122 MIMAT0048123 chrX 108518632 108518692 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Ocu-Mir-17-P4a ocu-mir-20a MIR-17 AAAGUGC MIMAT0048120 MIMAT0048121 chr8 93068174 93068232 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Ocu-Mir-17-P2c ocu-mir-18b MIR-17 AAGGUGC MIMAT0048113 MIMAT0048114 chrX 108518869 108518933 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown
Ocu-Mir-17-P2a ocu-mir-18a MIR-17 AAGGUGC MIMAT0048111 MIMAT0048112 chr8 93067839 93067903 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Ocu-Mir-17-P1d ocu-mir-106b MIR-17 AAAGUGC MIMAT0048197 MIMAT0048198 chrUn0062 102749 102810 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1 1
Ocu-Mir-17-P1c ocu-mir-106a MIR-17 AAAGUGC MIMAT0048195 MIMAT0048196 chrX 108519035 108519093 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No
Ocu-Mir-17-P1a ocu-mir-17 MIR-17 AAAGUGC MIMAT0048109 MIMAT0048110 chr8 93067701 93067760 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1

(red - mature/co-mature, blue - star)

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