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MirGeneDB ID ▲ | MiRBase ID | Family | Seed | 5p accession | 3p accession | Chromosome | Start | End | Strand | Node of origin (locus) | Node of origin (family) | IsomiR | 3' NTU | UG | UGUG | CNNC |
Hru-Mir-1988 | None | MIR-1988 | GUGGUUU | None | None | JALGQA010000010.1 | 9665708 | 9665765 | - | Gastropoda | Gastropoda | No | 1 | |||
Lgi-Mir-1988 | lgi-mir-1988 | MIR-1988 | GUGGUUU | MIMAT0009729 | None | LOTGIsca_162 | 318652 | 318708 | + | Gastropoda | Gastropoda | No | 1 | |||
Hru-Mir-12588 | None | MIR-12588 | GUGAUAG | None | None | gb|JALGQB010000184.1|:58662-58925 | 102 | 160 | - | Gastropoda | Gastropoda | No | 1 | 1 | ||
Lgi-Mir-12588 | None | MIR-12588 | GUGAUAG | None | None | LOTGIsca_13 | 796803 | 796862 | - | Gastropoda | Gastropoda | No | 1 | 1 |
(red - mature/co-mature, blue - star)
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