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MirGeneDB ID ▲ | MiRBase ID | Family | Seed | 5p accession | 3p accession | Chromosome | Start | End | Strand | Node of origin (locus) | Node of origin (family) | IsomiR | 3' NTU | UG | UGUG | CNNC |
Spt-Mir-1-P1 | None | MIR-1 | GGAAUGU | None | None | QEPC01012606.1 | 114175 | 114235 | - | Gnathostomata | Bilateria | Unknown | 1 | |||
Spt-Mir-1-P2 | None | MIR-1 | GGAAUGU | None | None | QEPC01009246.1 | 3251540 | 3251599 | + | Gnathostomata | Bilateria | Unknown | 1 | |||
Spt-Mir-1-P3 | None | MIR-1 | GGAAUGU | None | None | QEPC01009477.1 | 3895976 | 3896036 | + | Gnathostomata | Bilateria | Unknown | ||||
Spt-Mir-1-P4 | None | MIR-1 | GGAAUGU | None | None | QEPC01003729.1 | 1183905 | 1183967 | + | Gnathostomata | Bilateria | Unknown | 1 |
(red - mature/co-mature, blue - star)
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