MirGeneDB 3.0

12 Loxodonta africana microRNA genes with seed GAGGUAG (all species)
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MirGeneDB ID MiRBase ID Family Seed 5p accession 3p accession Chromosome Start End Strand Node of origin (locus) Node of origin (family) Iso­miR 3' NTU  UG  UGUG CNNC Wh
Laf-Let-7-P1b None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None GL010031.1 11806404 11806470 + Gnathostomata Bilateria Unknown
Laf-Let-7-P1c None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None GL010040.1 39383200 39383266 - Gnathostomata Bilateria Unknown 1
Laf-Let-7-P1d None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None GL010085.1 10278329 10278395 - Gnathostomata Bilateria Unknown 1
Laf-Let-7-P2a1 None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None GL010134.1 196075 196146 - Gnathostomata Bilateria Yes
Laf-Let-7-P2a2 None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None GL010129.1 1353079 1353147 + Gnathostomata Bilateria Yes
Laf-Let-7-P2a3 None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None GL010112.1 1928392 1928462 - Gnathostomata Bilateria Yes 1
Laf-Let-7-P2b1 None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None GL010134.1 195672 195748 - Gnathostomata Bilateria Yes 1 1
Laf-Let-7-P2b2 None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None GL010129.1 1353896 1353970 + Gnathostomata Bilateria Yes 1
Laf-Let-7-P2b3 None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None GL010112.1 1927488 1927566 - Gnathostomata Bilateria Yes 1 1
Laf-Let-7-P2c1 None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None GL010134.1 182335 182409 - Gnathostomata Bilateria Yes 1
Laf-Let-7-P2c2 None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None GL010029.1 52228852 52228928 + Gnathostomata Bilateria Yes 1
Laf-Let-7-P2c3 None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None GL010039.1 15363177 15363254 + Gnathostomata Bilateria Yes 1

(red - mature/co-mature, blue - star)

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