MirGeneDB 2.1

4 microRNA genes with seed AAUGUUC
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MirGeneDB ID MiRBase ID Family Seed 5p accession 3p accession Chromosome Start End Strand Node of origin (locus) Node of origin (family) 3' NTU  UG  UGUG CNNC
Nve-Mir-2028 nve-mir-2028 MIR-2028 AAUGUUC MIMAT0009776 MIMAT0009777 NW_001834408.1 334216 334264 - N. vectensis N. vectensis No
Gga-Mir-33-P3 gga-mir-33-1 MIR-33 UGCAUUG MIMAT0001100 MIMAT0026490 1 49496339 49496399 - Gnathostomata Bilateria Yes 1 1
Dre-Mir-33-P1a None MIR-33 AAUGUUC None None LKPD01061375.1 1389 1445 - Clupeocephala Bilateria No 1 1
Sha-Mir-33-P3 None MIR-33 AAUGUUC None None GL861723.1 907945 908003 + Gnathostomata Bilateria No 1 1

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